Andy Warhol said, "In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes." You cant choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?
Am one of those superstitious people, I am scared if I say it, I will jinx it. Come to think of it, its not fame am yearning for, but a certain recognition. Sophia a friend of mine even thought me to say TOUCH WOOD*bangs on own table*, whenever I felt I would jinx something I want.When I finished Matric, I really thought the world was my oyster, with education I could conquer anything. Alas nothing went according to plan. This does not mean am not grateful for the path am on now. However from then on I decided to keep my dreams in, I whisper them in God's ears and keep them in darkest place only I know of. Sometimes, I write them in my diary, so that they can get a little bit of light.
I do however hope my fame wont be for 15 minutes, that by the end of a certain journey am still going to embark on, my fame will be worth a lifetime.