The whole of last week I felt like the air is being squeezed out of my lungs...not gently, but in a terrible suffocating kind of way. The whole time I kept thinking, the mess I am in, is so bad that I cannot even call my older sister. The one person I believe has superman powers. This is a terrible space to be in, a cruel lonely place, that makes you see no form of reason.
Then I read an forever thankful for my love affair with words and the fact that I can read. I am very stubborn, so listening to other people sometimes is hard, but when am reading it feels voluntary, not info being shoved down my the article went something like this...
1. 'It's a challenge, but I'll cope...'
2. 'It's not a good outcome, but its not the end of the world...'
3. 'Never mind my failure, I'll bounce back...'
4. 'Its not about me, I wont take it personally...'
5. 'Its a difficult problem, but I'll find a solution...'
6. 'This is only temporary, I can put it behind me...'
7. 'I made a mistake, but I can learn from it and improve...'
I think this is the only way I could explain the title of this week. I do not even believe in reading self helping books, but I needed something to hold on to last week. Stopping to breathe was not an option though.
P.S. I read's blog also, that guy is a freaking LEGEND!