Some people might find this 'exciting' don't know how, partly because half of them cant swim, but they rely on 'hope' that someone might rescue them or they go ''for the adventure'. Mind you I can swim, yes, am one of those black people who can swim*blank stare*. I on the other hand I must calculate every single move I make or take. This makes me the 'wet blanket' or rather the 'dry blanket' in this case...What is she babbling about you might ask yourself, well my move to the Mother City silly.
Let me take you to a couple of months back, am sitting in the office, bored, the phone is not ringing(I was a receptionist in my previous life, tl tl tl, I have always wanted to say that), then it suddenly hits me, THERE HAS GOT TO BE MORE TO LIFE!!! Am 26, comfortable and working for an amazing Greek family but am bored out of my skull its time to move. So like anything else, I planned my move but I forgot the emotional toll relocating can have on a person. Leaving a comfortable job, good friends that took time to find, knowimg my way around in the City of Roses(a place that had become a second home), a flat with the view of Naval Hill, giving up morning runs with an amazing Mate, being able to walk anywhere, lovely supper dates with my Gay bunch. Mind you the furthest I have been from my Mother and family is 3 hours away, and that was not so bad, because we spent every other weekend together, it felt like I had never really moved away from home. Cape Town is another country on its own...
So I move to the Kaap, Mum tagging along for moral support.
My week was beyond crazy, my Res is full of rowdy students*normal in any Institution* but horrid if you have been staying alone for the past 2 years. Then lectures started, and all of sudden I could not understand a word of English, yes its possible. I have not been studying for the past 6 years. My laptop would not work, given piles of assignments to be handed in a weeks time. I am fumbling around, homesick, and thinking you are too DAMN old for all of this, you should have just stayed at home.
Whilst wallowing in my pity, I forgot that I had asked God if I could move to Cape Town, in all my diaries dating from 2003, I forgot that I knew that here I could grow as a person pursuing a degree in Public Relations. He kept his end of the bargain...and for that am grateful.
Then a friend sent me this: IF IT DOES NOT SCARE YOU, IT IS NOT FROM GOD...
The relief of knowing, am not being a big baby, but change does come with fear.
Alas it was not all gloom and doom, I did make friends before the end of the day...
"Lady in Blue (she hates this pic by the way*evil laugh*) is Olwethu, born and raised in Cape Town.
"see my Tonsils" is Zaan also from Cape Town, craziest person i have met in awhile....
They have made this week bearable, tears they wiped from my face.
So Cape Town be kind to me, I gave up a lot to be here, if you treat me right, i promise to overstay*wink*.
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