inthemidstoftheplan.wordpress.com |
When I was younger, when a motorbike drove past our area all the children in the neighbourhood would run after it. When we eventually found where its parked, we would walk around it admire it till the owner*which was normally a white man*drove away. We would do the same with a helicopter that flies above the area, screaming in our high pitched voices "next time come get me". We always hoped it would, but it never did. This however we repeated tirelessly. After the running and screaming we would vow on how we would fly or ride on a bike one day. So far am glad to announce I have done both:).

Yesterday when I flew in from my Easter break and we were flying above the "poverty stricken areas" and driving past thereafter. I found myself thinking, I wonder do the children in that area look up and scream like we did when we were kids? Do they dream of leaving that life? Or are they so consumed about the dire conditions around them, that even dreaming of leaving is not possible? Are the still rag to riches stories, am not rich financially, but I have rich thoughts and endless possibilities.
Besides, what we eventually become in our lives is it purely on fate or our choices? Do you dream big and conquer even if you do not have the resources? My "resource" was my Mother, the environment she raised us in lead me to where I am, but how much was my choice? With no resources would I even be able to choose?
istockphoto.com |
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