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Thursday 23 February 2012

I am that girl...

Walking around town with that stupid grin on her face like how random is this place, am I really in CAPE TOWN?  I still cannot believe how clean this place is...I am still looking for that TYPICAL downtown that every city has, the dirty one, the one you have to push way your through the crowd, hold on tight to your bag, and make sure your cellphone is tucked safely in your boobs kind of downtown?  Very annoying when you have A cup boobs by the way, and you keep reading articles about cancer one can get from cellphones.  The one that's full of Mamas braaing and cooking very unhealthy food and the smell of the cooking oil clings on your clothers?  You still don't know it?  The one that's full of school kids even though its during school hours?  School girls with weaves and so much lipgloss you can see your face on her lips?  That downtown that is full of taxis, buses and cars that should NOT be on the road?  So bad before you cross the street, you shut your eyes really tight and say a very quick prayer, because the robots giving you the right of way mean jack.  The downtown thats full of Nijas, and every single day you pass them, no matter how hard you give them the 'your infamous evil look' they still say BABE*Nigerian accent*.   The downtown, that has a woman carrying an infant on her back and you can just see she is lost by the huge bag she is carrying?  The downtown full of people selling things you never knew existed? Until you move into a flat with cockroaches.  The downtown, where you find people just randomly sitting infront of the same building*Post Office* and everytime you pass, its the same faces?  The downtown, with falling apart flats and dirty running water?  The downtown where seeing a police van, is so rare its like spotting a guy wearing pink socks, which is NOT rare AT all in this city.  A culture shock of note I tell you.

Whenever I take out my cellphone, I have to remind myself, its safe, RELAX.

Then I remember aaaaah Xanzibar, you are in HELEN's downtown.


  1. Yes I know that town all to well, but I think regardless we have a colourful-culturally orientated city.

  2. Welcome to Cape Town. Please chat with me re places of interest that you can visit to get to know our beautiful city.

  3. @dearlilmiss, it was a culture shock for me, downtowns are always so dirty. still have to get used to this one. i agree on the colourfulness, makes me love cape town even more. @Keith: Thank you, will do so. My next stop will be the Old Biscuit Mill*hope i said it correctly*, was hoping to go pickning as well. Its a beautiful city.
