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Friday 17 February 2012

Two strangers walked out of a building into a story...

How I wish I could make my characters find a bag full of cash, and it would be drug money. So they would not feel bad about taking it & not hand it over to the police.   Then they would be able to solve all their problems, since the building they walked out of is a bank...if they knew each other, they would know they were both there to borrow money.

So as they walked out, they were both hit by the harsh sun in their eyes, back to terrible reality and into a life they don't have control over.   No more waiting in the  air conditioned corridor, anxiously biting their nails, and the slight possibility/hope that the bank would approve their loan.

Well, if they had spoken to each other what difference would it have made? They still did not get the money they came to borrow.   Yes, but sometimes just hearing someone else's problems makes you count your own blessings, makes you realize your situation can be fixed with the right attitude.  In a stranger one finds solace, and a space to tell your story and not be judged and if the person does judge you, you simply walk out of their lives and never see them again.  That is the beauty of meeting a stranger.

Next time you bump into a stranger, do smile because we all going through something...

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