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Wednesday 15 August 2012

A friend would not mistreat a friend.

I am beginning to slightly hate, or let me rephrase that, I have always hated this blogging story.  Now I loathe it even more, because the more we do it, the more you want to share the real stuff happening in your own life.  I have to remind myself every single week that everything is forever online.  Do I really want to come back in 10 years time and read all of this?  I wish I could keep my thoughts in the safety of my diary, yes I have one.  Every time I am home, I pull them out*from previous years* from my secret hiding place*under the bed, such a secret place, he he he* and read them.  I am always shocked with time, how much I have grown and accepted.

Yet till today, one thing I can never figure out is how long does one have to stay angry at another person?  Does staying angry really make the person, learn the lesson when you deprive them of talking to you or giving him or her the cold shoulder?  And why should people keep doing things they know will hurt you?  Logically, I always think, but am wasting time, missing great conversations with this person, then my pride kicks in...and I quickly justify why am angry...*so tiring*. 

A friend would not mistreat a friend...but we all human.  Half of the time I forgive people because I know when am sorry I truly am, and want to be forgiven.  Everybody deserves a second chance, but who says when you give them another chance they wont mistreat you even more????

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