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Wednesday 7 November 2012

Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?
For me its a waste of time honestly.  Its soothing yes, your tears might make you feel relieved for two minutes, but its not a permanent solution.

Sethi and I during this period of assignments and running around like headless chickens we BBM each other  a lot.  We are culprits of leaving things till the last minute.  Then the workload gets too much, then the emotional meltdowns creep in.  So normally I will send her a "should I cry now or later" message and every single time she says "later".  This pisses me off immensely when I want to throw a pity party or simply want to give up.

Today though I know this helped, because instead of crying I would do my work.  By the time I am done, I forgot about the meltdown.  Crying is good, no weighing needed if its a weakness or strength...but it can be time consuming.

To my Zim dollar with love.

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