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Wednesday 4 July 2012

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

There are alot more consequences of being online, these stood out for me:

1.  Its addictive you cannot go a day without updating or sharing what is happening in your life and there is that constant need to share, its like an irritating itch that must be scratched.

2.  There is little pivracy, and by constantly updating people can usually track where you are and where you live.

3.  Makes a person unproductive, there is a certain site that when I have logged on I barely see that the time is flying by.  Most companies have also blocked most social networks because their employees are constantly online instead of working.

4.  There was a survey that was done that showed that more people are suffering from insomnia because they are always online. 

5.  Its made falling inlove and having sex instant.

6.  Puts pressure on people to lie about their everyday lives.

7.  Its started cyber bullies.

8.  It creates a sense of you are never really alone.

9.  People do not know what not to share online anymore.

10.  It has the power to promote propaganda or liberate an entire nation.

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