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Wednesday 25 July 2012

What motivates me?

I have never considered myself as a feminist, but sometimes I do think men must be banished to the belly of hell, the ones that do deserve it of course.  This is mostly when I read about the terrible stories of women and children who suffer in the hands of men who are supposed to be protecting them.  When you listen to yet another friend crying because some guy took her for a "ride", the corrective rape against lesbians we keeping reading about.  There are too many injustices I could write about, and how sometimes the country itself is a terrible place to live in and how harsh women as a whole in Africa have always had it.

Yet I always find or read stories that make me proud to stand tall as black South African young woman.  Starting from the woman who raised me, who speaks and lives the truth she knows, my sisters who keep pushing when the world says IT CANNOT BE DONE, and my wonderful girlfriends from all walks of life.

You cannot help but me motivated when you read the following women's profiles:

Sbu Mpungose:  She started editing at 22, has worked for DRUM, Edgars Club magazine, Bona and True Love.  She is currently the first black woman to be the Editor of Cosmopolitan, South Africa.

Khanyi Dhlomo:  Editor of True Love at 22.  Now Founder of Destiny Magazine.

Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma:  SA Minister of Home Affairs and first South African and the first female to be elected AU Commission Chair.

 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf:  President of Liberia and the first elected female head of state in Africa.

These are the women who motivate me, and keep reminding me in the midst of the chaos, there ARE still possibilities in this country and continent.  That my dreams are attainable. 


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