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Thursday 8 March 2012

Fish falling from the sky

In Cape Town specifically*OMG*...

That would be a crazy day, Black people would run around screaming, trying to find a place to hide, instead of taking the fish.  Thinking the world is ending.  I can just imagine some Gogo in Khayelitsha putting on her Women's Guild Church Uniform, praying very hard.   Black mothers, screaming at the top of their lungs not leaving their yards, saying their kids must come home immediately*and a picture of my Mum with her doek(head scarf) popped in my head*.

Coloured people, would be on some "AWE MY BROER , so klomp vis" and start putting it in their cooler boxes and fridges.  Fisherman would do the 'WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP DANCE' no going to work for us today.

Aaaaah don't get me started about White folks, these people curiosity is beyond me.  They would probably stand outside thinking "MHMMMMM WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE HAPPENING" and put on their Geek clothes and try to solve the mystery.  Old Mrs van Tonder would peep behind her curtains and tell her 5 cats to sit still, its this Government's fault she would probably say. 

Greek and Portuguese people would just keep the fish and sell it in their Fish and Chips shops, or find ways to make the fish fall in their factories only...another way to make more money.

I can just see Debora Patta from ETV giving us the news live on TV, while the fish keep hitting her face.Helen Zille would tweet about it, the ANC would find a way to blame it on Helen(picture of Juju pops in my head). 

  And it would give the notion of 'fresh fish' a total new spin.  Perfume companies would make millions afterwards with people trying to spray the odour away a day later. 

*Disclaimer:  no stereotyping please, laugh, don't go all political, its just a blog*.

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