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Thursday 1 March 2012

What is the colour of the wind?


Three images came into mind, when I asked myself this question...

My childhood days in the location, dry August afternoons and when the wind came, it would be full of soil, red soil to be precise.  When it blows, it sits on your hair, making it dirty and makes your skin ashy.  All the surfaces in the house would be full of dust, you could even taste it in your mouth, eggggg...and the little pebbles would make crunching sounds on your teeth*terrible*.  Playing outside would make your eyes sore, and you would have to stay inside because it stung your legs as well.

Then I went to a Catholic School, full of trees and when the wind blows, leaves with beautiful colours, gold, yellow and brown would just fly in the air...something magical to see.

Then the very first time I went to the beach, I was introduced to something else, the see breeze, something that makes you feel alive, brushes on your skin and makes your lips taste salty.  There you really see the power of the wind, blue and majestic.

I would like to think its gold, yellow and brown, because those are beautiful colours of the earth.

                                               Image: Autumn Wind by Richard Gordon


  1. Wow girl this is good writing, I can't stop reading it.

  2. i love all things descriptive. this is such a beautiful journey you took me on.
